
The main objective of INCLUSION project is to understand, assess and evaluate the accessibility and inclusiveness of transport solutions in European prioritised areas. The project is identifying gaps and needs in order to propose and experiment with a range of innovative and transferable solutions. Accessible and inclusive public transport for all and especially for vulnerable categories is key to ensure equity of transport and social inclusion.

The project is investigating the current conditions across a representative set of European prioritised areas as well as how novel transport solutions involving social innovation and ICT tools can raise the level of accessibility and inclusiveness.

INCLUSION will base the planned investigation on a large set of case studies  involving different forms of geographical areas and transport contexts, demographic categories, population groups and mobility solutions. The case studies will provide concrete experiences from various European sites and pilot initiatives involving both public and private transport providers and a variety of regulatory and business frameworks, as well as supporting technologies, organisational and operational conditions.

Complementary to this research, a number of innovative solutions will be concretely tried out and validated through real-life experiments in the INCLUSION Pilot Labs. These include target areas in Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and the UK providing direct access to a variety of different transport environments, socio-economic contexts, cultural and geographical conditions.

The research and achievements obtained through case studies investigation and innovation experiments will be significantly enhanced and validated via external collaborations established through the INCLUSION Stakeholders’ Forum.