Final Conference

INCLUSION - HiReach final virtual conference - 22 September 2020

Inclusive mobility for an inclusive society: new approaches and solutions. How can transport benefit us all?

The INCLUSION and HiReach projects teamed up to organise a final joint virtual conference titled “Inclusive mobility for an inclusive society: new approaches and solutions. How can transport benefit us all?”

The event lasted three hours and was moderated by Karen Vancluysen, POLIS Secretary General. The event was made of two parts. While the first part looked at challenges and issues related to transport poverty and accessibility, the second part provided the participants with toolsmethods, and solutions to design a more inclusive mobility system for all, and in particular, for vulnerable-to-exclusion people living in urban, peri-urban, rural and remote areas.

On this page, you can download all the presentations and watch again the recording of the webinar.


View the full programme here


Takeaways from the virtual conference

The takeaways from the virtual conference are available here